Grading Policy

Below is the 6th Grade social studies grading and record keeping procedures. These are based on the middle school scores and procedures.

 Percentage Grades

A+        100 - 97.5%

A          97.4 - 92.5%

A-         92.4 - 89.5%

B+        89.4 - 87.5%

B          87.4 - 82.5%

B-         82.4 - 79.5%

C+        79.4 -77.5%

C          77.4 - 72.5%

C-         72.4 - 69.5%

D+        69.4 - 67.5%

D          67.4 -62.5%

D-         62.4-59.5%

F          59.4% & below


Guidelines and Practices for 6th Grade social studies:

  1. A variety of practice and assessments will be used to determine a student’s grade in social studies.
  2. Re- do’s are allowed on grades given for social studies assignments and occasionally, assessments. The highest grade a student can receive on a re- do assignment or assessment is an 85%, or a “B.” Re- do’s are due one week after the assignment is handed back.
  3. Due date is the due date. 1 day late = 25% off grade earned, 2 days late = 50% off grade earned, 3 days late graded for content but will earn a 0%.
  4. For each day an assignment is late, work habit points  will be removed from the student. A student may lose up to five total work habit points for a late/ missing assignment.



Work Habits and Citizenship

We use the labels, EXM, PRO, PP, and NE, so at a glance students, parents and teachers can discern the difference between academic grades and WH/CIT when looking at or entering grades.


EXM (exemplary) = 95% equivalent to an A 

PRO (proficient) = 80%, equivalent to a B-

PP(partially proficient) = 60% Passing at a D

NE (not evident ) = 50% Failing


Work Habits: Be prepared, Be productive, Be prompt (this includes on time to class and with assignments)

EXM – Always prepared for class, uses class time productively, no late and or missing assignments, on time to class.

PRO – Usually prepared for class, uses class time productively, few late and/or missing assignments, mostly in time to class.

PP - Frequently unprepared, does not use class time productively, significant late and/or missing assignments, frequently late to class.

NE – Unprepared, unproductive, excessive late and /or missing assignments or tardiness to class.


Citizenship: Be positive, Be cooperative, Be respectful

EXM - Outstanding citizenship/leadership, always polite and cooperative

PRO - Good citizenship/some leadership, usually polite and cooperative

PP – Needs improvement on citizenship, leadership, and/or cooperation

NE – Frequently disrupts class, often impolite, or uncooperative